• Genre Study,  Reading Workshop

    Sketch Your Genre Unit in 6 Steps

    If you want to teach your reading curriculum through a series of in-depth genre units (if you want to implement genre study), here’s your planning mantra: Collect, Immerse, Teach, Notice, Define, Analyze. In this post, I’ll summarize each of the six steps and explain how you can organize your lessons (all lessons, even the ones that aren’t genre-specific) logically across a unit. Here we go! Six Steps to Genre Unit Collect Quality Texts: This part is all you, the teacher. When you begin planning your genre unit, collect a big ol’ stack of grade-level picture books from the genre (bring one of those plastic crates on wheels to the library…or…

  • Free Download,  Genre Study

    Genre, Genre Families, and Genre Vs. Form–A Quick Guide & Downloadable Cheat Sheet

    Once I got into genre study, I realized how much I didn’t know about genre. Sure, I knew what genre was, I could list genres, I could email you resources (ready made anchor charts…oops), but I hadn’t thought about how genre differs from form, or noticed that genres belong to certain genre families. Here’s a little cheat sheet I made to demonstrate genre relationships. You can download it for free here. After implanting genre study in my own classroom and designing a year-long genre study curriculum, here’s what I’ve learned about genre: Genre Differs from Form Genre pertains to the content of the text–historical fiction, for example will tell a…

  • Time Management,  Uncategorized

    Visualize Your Ideal Reading Block Using the Time Management Matrix

    A Time Management Matrix helps you prioritize tasks that are most aligned with your long-term goals. This leads to progress toward those goals and a sense of satisfaction. The matrix is a great way to organize your own time, but what about your reading block? The Time Management Matrix (Eisenhower Decision Matrix) can help you answer these questions about your reading block: How do I want students to spend their time? What do I want them to do daily? What should they do weekly? Monthly? What prevents them from meaningful reading, writing, etc? How can I support students through routines, expectations, and preparedness? Here’s how the Time Management Matrix might…


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