• Time Management,  Uncategorized

    Visualize Your Ideal Reading Block Using the Time Management Matrix

    A Time Management Matrix helps you prioritize tasks that are most aligned with your long-term goals. This leads to progress toward those goals and a sense of satisfaction. The matrix is a great way to organize your own time, but what about your reading block? The Time Management Matrix (Eisenhower Decision Matrix) can help you answer these questions about your reading block: How do I want students to spend their time? What do I want them to do daily? What should they do weekly? Monthly? What prevents them from meaningful reading, writing, etc? How can I support students through routines, expectations, and preparedness? Here’s how the Time Management Matrix might…

  • Time Management

    A Time Management Matrix That Helps You Prioritize Your Long-Term Goals

    You know the feeling you get when you’ve been working all week, and then you come up for air and realize you aren’t any closer to achieving your goals? The feeling you get when you’ve spent all weekend grading, then Sunday evening rolls around and you STILL don’t have lesson plans ready for Monday? A feeling of exhaustion without fulfillment or satisfaction? If the answer is yes, then your daily tasks and long-term goals may be misaligned. Sometimes our busyness prevents us from accomplishing our teaching (and life) goals. What’s a busy, burned-out teacher to do? Reflect on her time using the Eisenhower Decision Matrix–or as we’ll call it here,…


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