Distance Learning

Reading In Quarantine- Free Resources for Students & Parents

Wow, what a month it’s been. Whether you’re a teacher or parent, you’re likely trying to wrap your head around distance learning (among other things).

One difficult thing about distance learning is that some classroom routines aren’t easily replicated at home. Reading instruction is going to look different for a while—-parents won’t be able to provide what a teacher, curriculum, classroom community, and other helpers provided on a daily basis at school.

BUT, there’s some good news. A daily reading practice is the cornerstone of a thriving reading workshop, and parents can definitely help their kids read at home. There’s no need to overcomplicate things—any reading is better than no reading at all, so step one for any at-home reading program is helping kids read each day.

I’ve put together a free packet to help students and parents begin a daily reading practice at home. The packet encourages students to continue growing as readers while enjoying the perks of reading at home. This packet can help your students and their caregivers:

  • Find Free eBooks and Audiobooks: The packet includes a list of 30 quality chapter books that are available through GetEpic (which is offering a 30-day free subscription), Hoopla, and Overdrive (both of which are accessible through many schools and libraries).
  • Choose Good Fit Books: Explains what makes a book a “good fit” for reading practice. No complicated methods here–just some helpful reminders. The packet also includes interest-based reading ideas. Is your child “leaning-in” to the current crisis? They can read about past pandemics. Is your child looking for a way to escape? They can start a fantasy book, or read about kids going about their everyday lives.
  • Make a Reading Plan: You likely spent six painstaking weeks developing reading routines in your own classroom, and students might feel adrift now that they’re home. The packet includes a simple planning sheet where students and caretakers set stamina goals and develop a reading routine that works for them.

This free resource includes a digital and print version. I truly hope it helps your students continue their reading practice at home. Keep an eye out for future freebies for distance learning!

I hope you are staying safe, sane, and healthy.

Keep in touch!

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